With Carnotaurus featuring so prominently in the recent Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trailer, it seems apropos to review the science on this genuinely bizarre dinosaur. Buckle up: this one’s gonna get weird.

Exhibit Spotlight Carnotaurus sastrei img

Sources :

Novas, F. E., & Coria, R. A. (1990). Carnotaurus sastrei Bonaparte, the Horned, Lightly Built Carnosaur from the Middle Cretaceous of Patagonia. Contributions in Science. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 416, 1-42.

Mazzetta, G. V., Cisilino, A. P., Blanco, R. E., & Calvo, N. (2009). Cranial Mechanics and Functional Interpretation of the Horned Carnivorous Dinosaur Carnotaurus sastrei. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 29(3), 822-830.

Méndez, A. H. (2012). The Cervical Vertebrae of the Late Cretaceous Abelisaurid Dinosaur Carnotaurus sastrei. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 59(3), 569-579.

Ruiz, J., Torices, A., Serrano, H., & López, V. (2011). The Hand Structure of Carnotaurus sastrei (Theropoda, Abelisauridae): Implications for Hand Diversity and Evolution in Abelisaurids. Palaeontology, 54(6), 1271-1277.

Persons IV, W. S., & Currie, P. J. (2011). Dinosaur Speed Demon: the Caudal Musculature of Carnotaurus sastrei and Implications for the Evolution of South American Abelisaurids. PloS One, 6(10), e25763.

Attention All Visitors


The Dinosaur Park will be closed to the public for a private event on 5/20 at 4:00 pm

MAY 20 | 4:00 PM